Do You Have What It Takes?

Do you have what it takes?

So what’s required of you to become a professional travel writer capable of handling any and all assignments?

The requirements are simple and straightforward:

  1. An interest in writing and travel
  2. A little flair
  3. The willingness to learn

If you have these qualities the British College of Journalism will provide you with the knowledge and skills to ensure your success.

You need not have any previous experience as a journalist or a travel writer. The course is specifically structured for students with no experience in the field at all. In fact the College, along with most editors and publishers, welcome travel writers just starting out.

Every quality newspaper and magazine throughout the world relies on contributions from freelance writers. However, as you’ll discover, the need for your travel writing skills doesn’t end here. There is a range of other lucrative freelance work to be obtained.

Designed with the budding travel writer in mind

Every travel writer was once a complete beginner. Success in travel journalism and writing is very much a matter of knowing how to go about it.

This is a cutting-edge course and it is a revolution in online travel journalism training. Many highly qualified and successful travel journalists, writers and photographers have contributed to this course. You can be sure you will receive the latest information on what the industry wants and what is being accepted for publication and distribution. There may be a story waiting to be written as soon as you step out your back door.

The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course has been designed to develop your individual travel writing skills. At the beginning of the Course you are assigned a successful travel journalist as your tutor, who will work with you as you proceed through your studies.

There is a big secret to becoming a successful travel writer; finding success isn’t as difficult as you might think. The business of travel journalism is not always about award-winning writing, it’s also about competent writing. Newspapers and magazines are constantly on the lookout for competent material, and your articles don’t necessarily have to be literary masterpieces. So there’s no need to feel intimidated even as a beginner.

There are no rules to being a travel journalist. You don’t have to be gifted, or need any specialised skills or qualifications. All you need is the desire to succeed and the willingness to work. Your success relies almost entirely on knowing how to approach the craft of travel writing.

Every quality newspaper and magazine throughout the world relies on contributions from freelance writers. However, as you’ll discover, the need for your writing skills doesn’t end here. There is a also range of other lucrative freelance work to be obtained.


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